Gijon, Spain
LABoral Centro de Arte Creacion Industrial
L.E.V. Festival
Centred in the room is a ten meter wide cubic structure, suspended from the ceiling, consisting of 180 squares of thin fabric. The distribution of the squares has been chosen from a set of possible patterns generated via a random algorithm. Lasers draw fluctuating and ephemeral shapes of light above the heads of the visitors, illuminating the structure and the walls behind it, floating through it like water. The light touches the object, plays with its geometry, making its fragmentary nature even more evident. Vivid colours are contrasted with pure white, bright narrow beams with near darkness. Strict geometry is paired with perfect curvatures, fast motion with nearly frozen states.

Laser programming and sound design by Robert Henke. (see also Early Laser Tests) 30W Phaenon Pro RYGB 30000 lasers by LaserAnimation Sollinger, Berlin. [link]